So, obviously I haven't been able to update. The Chinese government blocked Blogspot and Facebook within the last month so I haven't been able to get on until now (using a proxy that gets around the blockage).
I'm doing well! I'm learning so much about what it means to live in a way that shows exemplifies our faith because our actions are the only things that can be visibly seen and invite questions. Things are going WELL here in terms of building relationships and having good conversations. I will tell you more about it when I come back!!
I was riding the bus the other day in Beijing, and thought to myself, "I could totally live here." I'm not homesick at all! I love it here and dread the fact that I have to go back in another month. It's been a recent thought/dream of mine to find a job at an international hospital that hires PAs in China, and hopefully get paid American wages so that I can pay off my loans. I know that it seems like a far-fetched dream, but I truly love it here, and have fallen in love with the people. I'm going to continue to pray for it and see where God takes me. I do have a heart for the lost, and it's so amazing to be able to have the possibility of sharing.
All in all, I'm learning that God is a GREAT, GLORIOUS, and FAITHFUL God who answers prayers and is so deserving of all of our praise.