And as always, PLEASE COMMENT! :)
I loved the colors that she used, each room had different character and feel. How different it is from the way our parents choose to decorate their homes -- purely functional, none of it aesthetic.
I really wish I had gotten Lucy to look through that window.
The top picture is a corner of the frame that holds their wedding invitation.
Ceci put out fresh fruit and made me and Wayne bird seed toast with almond butter and honey, while she was busily making banana bread.
Ceci got this mixer way before she got married and had her own home. Who knew that it would fit perfectly in her kitchen? She did, of course.

Lucy! Such an adorable, fun-loving dog. She actually liked me! I think it's because I smelled like lamb curry and naan. Mmmm...
My gracious hosts. Two of my most favorite people in the world. Thank you for a weekend of fun, encouragement and refreshment. So thankful to the Lord for you guys!