October 12, 2016


It's been one year since we started meeting as the smallest (maybe, but probably not true) multi-site church spanning 1,400 miles. A handful of families in the Lighthouse conference room "hanging out" (thanks Google!) with a handful of families in a home in Allen, TX. I remember singing "By Faith" by Keith and Kristyn Getty and the thought of leaving California was heart-wrenching and painful. Out of the four of us that initially planned to go, Jesse was the most ready. Then Tritia, then Eric, then me... by FAR the least excited.

But here we are, one year later, blessed to worship altogether at a physical church, and God has done things that are beyond what we could have imagined for ourselves. He has graciously provided a place of worship, a generous sending church, prayer supporters, jobs for those who quit theirs to take a step of faith out here, blessings of children, homes, friendship and a chance to get involved in the local community. We've forged new relationships, built lasting memories, prayed for the lost, celebrated a life taken too soon, mourned and wept together, and through it all, God has sovereignly been knitting our hearts together as a new church.

The Lord has been so gracious. Why did we fear? Why did I fear most of all? Why do we trust God in the big things, the impossible things -- like salvation! -- but hold on so dearly to the small things, afraid that God will somehow take it from us and give us something worse. This has never been the case. God lovingly gives us the better thing, even though it may not seem better in the moment. After living here for 9 months, I can finally say that God really gave us the better thing by uprooting us and bringing us here to Texas.

I used to think that I would long for home, but home is here (for the time being!). And for that, I'm so thankful.

"We will stand as children of the promise 
We will fix our eyes on Him our soul's reward 
Till the race is finished and the work is done 
We'll walk by faith and not by sight"

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