August 22, 2011

Barcelona, Spain!

Barcelona was the first city that I traveled to on my own. I spent 3 nights there and met a lot of lone female travelers and random people while sight-seeing. I've decided that I don't enjoy traveling on my own, especially when it's raining. It's sad when the sky is grey and you're standing underneath a too-small umbrella... alone. *Sob* j/k. I was extremely homesick by this time. Can you tell?

Impressions that Barcelona left on me: 
- Everyone here speaks Spanish with a lisp. Welcome to Barthelona!
- Catalunyans are even MORE patriotic than Taiwanese people and are as anti-Spain as the latter are anti-Chinar. 
- They have the best fruit and it's inexpensive! Apparently most of Europe gets its fruit imported from Spain and Portugal. 
- I learned never to talk to strangers, because anyone that's being nice is trying to rob you. Which I realized AFTER a man tried to lure me into a smaller street. If I were more naive, I would've been in trouble.
- Spanish food is only okay. Tapas is not my favorite, and paella (if not from Valencia) is never fresh, but frozen.
- People here eat and play LATE. I never saw one of my roommates face-to-face. That is, whenever I was awake, she was asleep, and when I went to sleep, she was not home yet. On the morning that I left the hostel at 4:30am to catch a flight, she was still out! Crazy Europeans. I felt a little bit like a loser going to bed at midnight.
- Spaniards are not that friendly and didn't tolerate my broken Spanish.

 Prawns, patatas bravas, and calamari
 Barcelona Harbor
 Senior dance event beach side
 This man could totally shake it
 These women obviously got a kick out of it
 This woman was all dancing seductively in front of this young guy while he was sitting down, so he joined her in the hip-shaking. Afterwards, she was tired and sat back down in her walker. I guess if you can't walk, you can still dance! =)
In front of the Sagrada Familia church. Building was commenced by Gaudi in 1882, and still has an estimated 50 years or so before it's finished.
The passion facade, where Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss.
 In squares of order 4 where the numbers run sequentially from 1-16 the magic constant (the sum of a single line, row or diagonal) is 34, but Subirachs' square does not contain the numbers 12 or 16 (see image, above). Instead, 10 and 14 are included twice, making a magic constant of 33, the age of Jesus Christ at the crucifixion.
 Inside the church. It seemed like I was in a forest of concrete, stained glass and light. Beautiful.
 The Alter
 Design studio
 Sample Sketches
 Casa Battlo (on the right) by Gaudi on the Block of Dischord
 Beach front
 Street performer
 Tapas at Taverna Basca Irati, where you can choose what you want to eat, and they calculate your bill via honor system by counting toothpicks.
 Parc Guell, another of Gaudi's works

 View of Barcelona from Parc Guell

Las Ramblas
Fountain of Montjuic, they played Disney songs and 80s rock. Loved it.

 I became really good at self-timed shots

August 2, 2011

Venice, Italy!

The sixth city on my tour of Europe. By this time, Grace had already headed back to the States, so it was just me and the To's.

We woke up at 4am to get to the airport and Rome only to get stopped by the cranky RyanAir stewardess who stopped Ceci and I from boarding because our packs were too big. So Ceci repacked everything but ended up just holding a bunch of stuff in her arms and the stewardess let her through. Lame. No wonder their tickets are so stinkin cheap! I blame Ceci's Les Mis book. That's why my gnome took a picture with it.

Venice as my second favorite city on our trip after Cinque Terre. There's just no other city like it. At first I thought it would be a really musty and rancid-smelling place, but it turned out to be so much better than I expected. The weather was beautiful, the food was excellent, at night I got to go to a Vivaldi concert/opera, listen to the dueling orchestras in St. Mark's Square play from the Sound of Music soundtrack, and got lost in the winding pedestrians streets. One of my favorite memories are of me and Ceci leaning outside of my hotel window speaking Mandarin to a bunch of Chinese people taking a gondola tour in the canal just beneath us. <3 Venezia!

Picture of one the many "rivers" in Venice
The Rialto Bridge
On the Rialto Bridge looking at the main canal

Looking outside my window across the river
Gondola with an accordion and Italian singer on board
Ceci looking out the window at them
Main canal during sunset
St. Mark's Square where I ate it REALLY bad cause the pigeons freaked me out

Dueling orchestras

Another view from my window. There was so much traffic here!
Bovolo Stairs, Venice streets don't have names, so to get to my hotel, I had to look for this building first and find where I needed to go around the corner.

The man was drawing this:
Couldn't help it, she was looking right at me!

Nasty pigeons
Yay, so happy! But I ended being really nauseas after our bus-boat ride.