June 28, 2011

Paris Days 4-9: Photo Summary

Paris Paris Paris. A golden city with purple skies, brilliant sunsets, and women in bonnets and dresses with full-bodied skirts strolling along the River Seine with their significant others. This is what I pictured over years of built up expectations. What did I find? That Paris was very... normal. My initial impressions were disappointing as I encountered a place that was noisy, with dirty subways and restrooms that I had to pay 2 euros to use. Our hotel had a full-sized bed and a sink. The bathroom was out in the hall, and we had to pay 3 euros to take a shower in a stall so narrow that I couldn't turn around without turning off water by accident.

However, as we finished the touristy sites one by one, the city's charms grew on me. I love just walking along the bridges, going to the bakery downstairs for their delicious brioche, drinking cafe cremas, and strolling through neighborhoods without any particular agenda in mind. I took over 500 pictures in that one city, but narrowed it down to these. Hope you like them!

Crossing the Seine from the Lourve to the D'Orsay Museum
 Snuck a picture inside the D'Orsay
Napoleon's Tomb
Sacre Coeur Church
 Inside the Sacre Coeur Church
 Eiffel Tower at Night
 Notre Dame
 Eiffel Tower
Overlooking the Paris skyline
Painters in Montemarte
 Latin Quarter of Paris where we stayed
 Eiffel Tower on our Bike Tour
Arc du Triomphe
Staircase inside the Arc du Triomphe
 Inside Louis XIV's private chapel
 At our subway stop
 Inside Sainte Chappelle Church
 Inside the Notre Dame
 Lourve Courtyard
 Inside the one of the halls of the Lourve
Winged Victory Statue
 Fence of locks outside of the Notre Dame
 Outside of our hotel in Paris
 Outside of Ceci and Wayne's Apartment
 One of a few pictures that we took altogether

Please comment if you'd like.


  1. O.
    Christine, your pictures are AH-MAZING!!!!

    more, please~ :)

  2. wow, you guys dress nice in europe! :)

    beautiful pictures as always!
